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Intention: GROWTH

It’s spring! The time is right to learn, change, and grow. Don’t just go through life. Grow through life!


Growth happens gradually over time or sometimes all at once. Today might be a “gradually over time” type of day or an “all at once” type of day. Either way you’re growing each time you roll out your mat and practice.

CHILD’S POSE: Plants need many things to grow; water, sunlight, soil. What do you need to grow? How can you get more to grow more?

RUNNER’S LUNGE: Growth is slow at first, messy in the middle, and beautiful in the end.

CROW POSE: Find your point A and work towards your point B, whatever your point B may be. The end result may look the same, but each individual person can take a unique path to that end result.

WIDE-LEGGED FORWARD FOLD: Get in touch with your emotions. If you want to grow yourself, start by getting to know yourself.

HALF PIGEON: It’s often the postures that we resist the most that we need the most. It’s often the changes that we resist the most that we need the most. But you can’t grow without change.

BELLY DOWN SVASANA Your comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.

SURRENDER SERIES: As you near the end of your practice, don’t worry if you can’t yet see or feel the results of the work you’ve done. It takes time.If you focus on results, you’ll never grow. If you focus on growth, you’ll start to see results.

Plants need many things to grow: water, sunlight, soil, time.

What do you need to grow? How can you get more of what you need?

I hope you are inspired to take your intentions off your mat and back out into the world.




My comfort zone is particularly comfortable, I think even more comfortable than most, and for that reason, change doesn’t come as naturally to me. I have to consciously make an effort to change and learn and grow or I’ll stay stagnant and wonder years later what the heck happened. The more I make positive changes in my own life, the easier it is to anticipate and accept negative changes as they arise. Change is growth and growth is living.

I hope you are inspired to live your life to the fullest.


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